Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Meet Passenger #7 - A Co-Worker

Passenger #7 – A Co-Worker

It is not surprising that someone on this trip is a co-worker.  Of course, that person needed to schedule the time away from the job, but it was important to have this time to reflect and become grounded to Christ again.  His job has high expectations and demands total commitment to the company.  Does this sound familiar?  Let’s look a little deeper.

This person wants to do the best job possible but seems to have challenges in balancing work and life.  Because of the workload, this person compromises family time and carries much guilt to leave so much responsibility on the table each day.  He has great children and an understanding spouse, yet his heart is troubled.  Time is escaping and he realizes that what he is missing is not likely to be caught up in life----meal times, games, recitals, church fellowship, prayer time, visits with aging parents, friendships---you know the list well. 

If somehow this is not your own profile, certainly someone you know comes to mind.  Before this person enters the job scene each day, his heart is burdened to the point that he might feel trapped.  What we take into each day will color how we perform and how we interact with other co-workers.  Without a doubt, there will be bad days and better days.  God calls us to be aware of our brothers and sisters’ needs even if we do not know the details.  As you return to your workplace, enter with an attitude of gratitude that whether this person is you or someone you know, God wants to be called to the rescue.  It is in the moment of acknowledgement that you are overwhelmed and desire a better life that you send forth the invitation asking God to redirect your thinking and help you to balance your life where it has the added value you yearn to enjoy.  He is waiting!

Guiding Questions for comments: (Feel free to share anything of comfort each day)

1.       Throughout Scripture there are clear directions on how to lead a quality life, but few people have the study of Scripture in their Daily Planner.  Even those who “go to church” often have a physical presence with a cluttered mind.  If you do nothing else from reading this snapshot of life, give yourself the gift of time today to reflect on how you and God could spend a bit of time together.  He has some terrific ideas for your life!


2.       As you encounter co-workers who seem troubled or reactive, be sure they see the face of Christ when they see you.  It doesn’t mean you have to be this super human being; you might not even say anything, but the understanding and care can just be on your face or in the depths of your eyes. 




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