Sunday, March 31, 2013

Passenger # 18 - A Teacher


Passenger # 18 – A Teacher

Like our Religious Leader, our Teacher has a reached a crossroad in her career.  The past twenty years have been enjoyable and rewarding.  In reflecting on the past, she realizes that she has been a positive influence on many young people and wishes to continue for a while.  So what is causing her to rethink her life right now?

Our teacher has a long list of things she wishes to do---we call it a bucket list.  She sees the years flying by at quite a quick pace.  At the same time, the demands from her career are changing at the speed of light!  So many new demands on her time and lots of changes in expectations!  Quietly she knows that much of the change could be good for the children she serves and she actually thinks she could handle the changes.  Her greatest challenge is in her work climate.  Her school leaders are uninspiring and frustrated which is being passed around generously to her fellow teachers.  So much negative spirit is draining her of enthusiasm and drive.  So as part of her summer time of renewal, she decided to take this trip, hoping that someone would bring her renewed dedication and an assurance that she is where God wants her to be, doing what God wants her to do.  Lately, those questions have been troubling her and she is ready for spiritual guidance.  Things in the workplace might not change, but she is certain the Driver and others can help her to change.


Guiding Questions for comments: (Feel free to share anything of comfort each day)

1.       Most of us reach a crossroad and can identify with the Teacher.  Are you there or headed there?  Where does God really need you?


2.       It’s about surrendering---a scary thing to face.  When we do finally surrender, we find new freedom to Let Go and Let God.  What’s holding you back?

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