Thursday, February 28, 2013

Passenger #9 - Someone Who Hurt You

Passenger #9 – Someone Who Hurt You

It has been many years but there is someone on the trip who has some similar characteristics to a person from your past.  You give this some thought by digging into the past---that place that serves little purpose.  There he was—the great reminder of the deep hurt he caused.  He had been your boss long ago, a time you tried hard to bury.  Actually you did a good job of that:  you eventually forgot the sadness you felt when he reamed you out in public, passed you by in handing out that promotion you felt was yours to a co-worker who had less time in the company and certainly less skill than you. 

Yes, half of that miserable experience is gone.  You did forget but still need to handle the other half--- forgive!  With lots of determination, we can push negatives far into our past by filling the holes in our heart with “stuff”---new people, new job, new location, new car….  But the enemy is still in control and holds the keys to your heart where that past hurt is still alive and well.  Sadly it has affected many of your decisions and limited your ability to really use the wonderful gifts and talents God gave to you.

So now you know why you are on this journey!  It is past time to deal with the forgiveness issue and the Driver has much to say about that.  Send him a note and just simply ask Him to share some thoughts on Forgiveness one night at Group Time.  You have just completed Step 1.  Congratulations! Click on Continue!


Guiding Questions for comments: (Feel free to share anything of comfort each day)

1.       We tend to avoid things that bring us pain and discomfort; therefore, we seldom choose to think of unfinished business in our heart.  There are two reasons to go back into the past:  1) to celebrate the good events and 2) to work on and learn from the lesser times in our lives.  That last part is unfinished business.  Our passenger discovered hers and is taking action, What about you?

2.As we struggle with past or present hurts, God is waiting for you to discern what needs attention and have the heart to take action.  That will always work best with His help.  Go on and get the heart cleaning started.  The Rewards Club has awesome benefits!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Passenger #8 - A Divorced Woman/Man

Passenger #8 – A Divorced Woman

For the past thirty or so years, divorce has had a major impact on the lives of those involved.  The reality is that the impact is never confined to the two spouses.  As a retired principal, I experienced the ripple effect time and again as children had to make many life adjustments.  The extended family was greatly affected as well.

One of our passengers is a woman (could certainly be a man) who is searching for a new life, hope for the future, and internal healing.  She heard about the journey and treated herself to this experience.  She wants to meet the driver and spend some time of renewal with Him. 

This lady is filled with emotions that seem to not go away.  From anger to sorrow to fear to hopelessness---her days and nights are lost.  Probably her greatest roadblock is guilt.  Without realizing it sometimes, she is still asking herself what she could have done differently.  While she and I are not psychologists and therapists, the driver has some viable solutions for her dismay. 

The Holy Spirit would love to enter her heart and warm her soul, fill the holes in her heart, and drench her with hope and forgiveness.  But that is a gift from God that we cannot purchase or earn.  It is however there for the asking. 

If this is someone you know, look and listen for opportunities to share the Good News God has to offer her.  He might even use YOU as a Messenger.  Be sure to say YES if he does!



Guiding Questions for comments: (Feel free to share anything of comfort each day)

1.       Whether it is a family member, friend, co-worker, neighbor who fits this profile, God loves this person unconditionally.  In society today, we tend to “give people space and time” in difficult situations.  While this can have great value, we have the opportunity to recognize pain.  Prayer is personal and an enormous gift to silently give to those who are suffering.  God will hear your intercessory prayer.


2.       Reflect today on what that time with the Drive would be like----------can we even imagine what He would tell her?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Meet Passenger #7 - A Co-Worker

Passenger #7 – A Co-Worker

It is not surprising that someone on this trip is a co-worker.  Of course, that person needed to schedule the time away from the job, but it was important to have this time to reflect and become grounded to Christ again.  His job has high expectations and demands total commitment to the company.  Does this sound familiar?  Let’s look a little deeper.

This person wants to do the best job possible but seems to have challenges in balancing work and life.  Because of the workload, this person compromises family time and carries much guilt to leave so much responsibility on the table each day.  He has great children and an understanding spouse, yet his heart is troubled.  Time is escaping and he realizes that what he is missing is not likely to be caught up in life----meal times, games, recitals, church fellowship, prayer time, visits with aging parents, friendships---you know the list well. 

If somehow this is not your own profile, certainly someone you know comes to mind.  Before this person enters the job scene each day, his heart is burdened to the point that he might feel trapped.  What we take into each day will color how we perform and how we interact with other co-workers.  Without a doubt, there will be bad days and better days.  God calls us to be aware of our brothers and sisters’ needs even if we do not know the details.  As you return to your workplace, enter with an attitude of gratitude that whether this person is you or someone you know, God wants to be called to the rescue.  It is in the moment of acknowledgement that you are overwhelmed and desire a better life that you send forth the invitation asking God to redirect your thinking and help you to balance your life where it has the added value you yearn to enjoy.  He is waiting!

Guiding Questions for comments: (Feel free to share anything of comfort each day)

1.       Throughout Scripture there are clear directions on how to lead a quality life, but few people have the study of Scripture in their Daily Planner.  Even those who “go to church” often have a physical presence with a cluttered mind.  If you do nothing else from reading this snapshot of life, give yourself the gift of time today to reflect on how you and God could spend a bit of time together.  He has some terrific ideas for your life!


2.       As you encounter co-workers who seem troubled or reactive, be sure they see the face of Christ when they see you.  It doesn’t mean you have to be this super human being; you might not even say anything, but the understanding and care can just be on your face or in the depths of your eyes. 




Sunday, February 24, 2013

Passenger #6---A Neighbor

Passenger #6 – A Neighbor

Someone on board the journey qualifies as a wonderful neighbor.  They are the best of the best.  Yes, God made us in His image and some have pursued that to the max.  This guy is truly a caring person who goes out of his way to serve others whether it is a family member, neighbor, co-worker, friend, or stranger. 

This guy lives the Christian message of putting others before self, so much so that he is sometimes criticized for doing too much for others.  He is the guy who can fix anything, will move your daughter into her apartment for the third time, loan his truck to a neighbor so the grandkids can stand in the back end and have better viewing at a parade site.  He is constantly giving of himself and wonders why he seems to still have a long to-do list. 

Wouldn’t we all wish to have this kind of neighbor?  Unfortunately, many of us never really see or talk to our neighbors.  We possibly don’t know their names.  It is a sign of the times, but not a sign of God’s times.  God wants us to know the value of caring for others and being of service.  Sometimes the only way we can take a crash course in Service is to have this kind of neighbor as our teacher.  If you meet this guy on the journey, watch him closely.  Make mental notes of how he chats with everyone and exudes kindness.  If you aren’t sure---check when you get off the bus at night.  He’ll be the one unloading everyone’s luggage just because it is the right thing to do.  I know this guy very well; I hope you have the chance to meet him.

Guiding Questions for comments: (Feel free to share anything of comfort each day)

1.       Have you ever been blessed with this kind of neighbor?  If so, take some time to recall some acts of kindness and then say a prayer of thanksgiving for the goodness that was shared with you.


2.       Think of those who live near you and even those not so near who need help sometimes.  How can you make small steps toward serving that person/family in the future?  Ask God to guide you in your service to others.  Your rewards will ALWAYS be greater than the work you did for someone else.



Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Meet Passenger #5- A Friend

Passenger #5 - A Friend

It is a part of God’s plan for us to have friendship with others.  Some of us like many friends and others prefer a few closer friends.  Your preference probably matches something within your personality.

If we research “friend” on the computer, there would be some insightful information about different types of friends and how to build and maintain important friendships in life.  If we study Scripture, there are words of wisdom to guide the nurturing of strong friendships.  In current times, “friends” has been a freely used term that can represent various levels of connectivity among those we call friends. 

When I think of strong friendships, I think of words such as caring, dependable, honest, trusting, and blessing.  Good friends are concerned about each other and will go the extra mile to be a support for someone, especially in a time of need.  In other words----that person is always there for you even when it cannot be physical.  They are there to give you reassurance and strength regardless of your need.

Passenger #5 is one of those treasures!  Think about someone in your life who could easily be that passenger on the journey.  Have you let that person know how much you appreciate the gift of his/her friendship?  This might be a great time to do that!  Hopefully this passenger on the journey will be a new angel for someone in need as our passengers learn about one another.

Guiding Questions for comments: (Feel free to share anything of comfort each day)

1.       Reflect on some of you close friendships, note what you value the most, and find the right time and way to thank God for placing that person in your life. 

2.       Some people would be so grateful to have a friend to truly enjoy.  Do you know someone who might fit that description?  Are you a candidate for that task?  Ask God to reveal His wishes to you and pray for someone to receive the wonderful gift of a true friend.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Meet Passenger #4

Passenger #4 – A Parent

Oh, yes.  We do have a parent aboard---probably quite a few.  But this parent expects perfection from her/his children.  Hopefully you are not one of those perfection parents, but you might know one.  If you have ever been a teacher, coach, or administrator---you are thinking of quite a few examples!!!  

This parent is always worried that the lovely children he/she has will not be “at the top” of virtually everything.  It is an exhausting way to carry out your calling as a parent, but somehow, it continues to be that person’s driving force.  Unfortunately, it sets the child up for failure and frustration since no one can really live up to such high expectations consistently.  The question becomes one of who is really living this life?  Often, such perfectionist parents were either perfectionist victims (you know---a generational pattern) or that parent is living out unfulfilled dreams from their own past.  Either way, it is miserable.

While such a well-meaning parent wants to encourage their child, it is “over the top” and unrealistic.  Such unhealthy pressure leads to other issues in life and the generational trend continues
Hopefully on this journey, Passenger #4 will see the way to love their child unconditionally like the Lord loves each of us.  That is all any child really needs or desires.  It is time to set this parent and child free to celebrate their unique creation by God.  Maybe the Driver will have a suggestion.

Guiding Questions for comments: (Feel free to share anything of comfort each day)

1.       Surely you know at least one person who shares this struggle.  What can you do to help this person to seek God’s guidance?
2.       Somehow, this passenger needs a message from the Driver.  What Scriptural words of wisdom might be shared to free this person of perfectionism?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Meet Passenger #3

Passenger #3 – A Spouse

I will give you a hint---she/he is a very attractive person who will appear to be busy and occupied.  She/he leads a full social life and career---not to mention—wants to be Super Mom/Dad.  It seems like she/he never stops but enjoys all of the limelight and recognition that comes along.  Yes, this person does it all and has it all.  By human standards, they could be the All American Poster Couple---no, the names are not Ken and Barbie---but could be! 
If we could take a microscope into the depths of Passenger #3’s heart and soul, we would find some clogged arteries that need attention.  The busyness is a way of masking some things from the past, especially a time in life that is filled with regrets.  No, the other spouse does not seem to know.  But our passenger knows and cannot forgive or forget.  The busyness, popularity, and social interaction are all forms of temporary healing, but the clogging remains a problem.  Of course, our passenger could not possibly include this secret in the bio!

What our friend might not realize, we all have events from the past that we regret.  They cannot be undone or zapped, but our loving God waits patiently for us to admit those events to him and ask for His forgiveness.  His blessing is what will be the healing potion for this condition.  Yes, this could involve some intervention from the Driver!  Remember though, he is waiting for the invitation. 

Guiding Questions for comments: (Feel free to share anything of comfort each day)

  1. 1.       Can you imagine that someone you know and care for could have the same pain in life?  It’s not important for us to know such details, but it is important to know that our behaviors might be masks for times of regret.  Before we criticize or judge, just know that there is always something we don’t know about another person.   

  1. 2.       Challenge yourself to write a few thoughts to this passenger on your own Divine Message Card.  It will be good practice for when you return home and need to be encouraging to someone else.