Sunday, February 24, 2013

Passenger #6---A Neighbor

Passenger #6 – A Neighbor

Someone on board the journey qualifies as a wonderful neighbor.  They are the best of the best.  Yes, God made us in His image and some have pursued that to the max.  This guy is truly a caring person who goes out of his way to serve others whether it is a family member, neighbor, co-worker, friend, or stranger. 

This guy lives the Christian message of putting others before self, so much so that he is sometimes criticized for doing too much for others.  He is the guy who can fix anything, will move your daughter into her apartment for the third time, loan his truck to a neighbor so the grandkids can stand in the back end and have better viewing at a parade site.  He is constantly giving of himself and wonders why he seems to still have a long to-do list. 

Wouldn’t we all wish to have this kind of neighbor?  Unfortunately, many of us never really see or talk to our neighbors.  We possibly don’t know their names.  It is a sign of the times, but not a sign of God’s times.  God wants us to know the value of caring for others and being of service.  Sometimes the only way we can take a crash course in Service is to have this kind of neighbor as our teacher.  If you meet this guy on the journey, watch him closely.  Make mental notes of how he chats with everyone and exudes kindness.  If you aren’t sure---check when you get off the bus at night.  He’ll be the one unloading everyone’s luggage just because it is the right thing to do.  I know this guy very well; I hope you have the chance to meet him.

Guiding Questions for comments: (Feel free to share anything of comfort each day)

1.       Have you ever been blessed with this kind of neighbor?  If so, take some time to recall some acts of kindness and then say a prayer of thanksgiving for the goodness that was shared with you.


2.       Think of those who live near you and even those not so near who need help sometimes.  How can you make small steps toward serving that person/family in the future?  Ask God to guide you in your service to others.  Your rewards will ALWAYS be greater than the work you did for someone else.



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