Monday, February 18, 2013

Meet Passenger #3

Passenger #3 – A Spouse

I will give you a hint---she/he is a very attractive person who will appear to be busy and occupied.  She/he leads a full social life and career---not to mention—wants to be Super Mom/Dad.  It seems like she/he never stops but enjoys all of the limelight and recognition that comes along.  Yes, this person does it all and has it all.  By human standards, they could be the All American Poster Couple---no, the names are not Ken and Barbie---but could be! 
If we could take a microscope into the depths of Passenger #3’s heart and soul, we would find some clogged arteries that need attention.  The busyness is a way of masking some things from the past, especially a time in life that is filled with regrets.  No, the other spouse does not seem to know.  But our passenger knows and cannot forgive or forget.  The busyness, popularity, and social interaction are all forms of temporary healing, but the clogging remains a problem.  Of course, our passenger could not possibly include this secret in the bio!

What our friend might not realize, we all have events from the past that we regret.  They cannot be undone or zapped, but our loving God waits patiently for us to admit those events to him and ask for His forgiveness.  His blessing is what will be the healing potion for this condition.  Yes, this could involve some intervention from the Driver!  Remember though, he is waiting for the invitation. 

Guiding Questions for comments: (Feel free to share anything of comfort each day)

  1. 1.       Can you imagine that someone you know and care for could have the same pain in life?  It’s not important for us to know such details, but it is important to know that our behaviors might be masks for times of regret.  Before we criticize or judge, just know that there is always something we don’t know about another person.   

  1. 2.       Challenge yourself to write a few thoughts to this passenger on your own Divine Message Card.  It will be good practice for when you return home and need to be encouraging to someone else.

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